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Discover 7 new ways to grow your business with copywriting


Copywriting is one of the most valuable skills you can develop as an entrepreneur or business owner. It's also a skill that gives you a lot of options for growing your business. In this article, we'll explore seven different ways you can use copywriting to grow your business:

Write better sales emails

Create better offers

Create a better sales funnel (using emails and landing pages)

Create a better sales process

Sell more products with email marketing

Get more clients with email marketing

Use content to profitably sell products or services online or offline (even if you don't have any products or services yourself)

Discover 7 new ways to grow your business with copywriting

Copywriting is a skill you can learn and use in many areas of your business.

Copywriting is not just for sales.

It’s also not just used on the web, or for marketing campaigns. In fact, copywriters are often called upon to write blog posts and ebooks for their clients as well as landing pages and emails that help convert leads into customers.

Why expand your copywriting skills?

Copywriting is a skill that will serve you in many different ways. You can use copywriting to make more money, to help others, and to expand your business. Let's take a look at some of the most popular reasons to learn how to write online marketing content.

1 - Copywriting is one of the best ways for businesses with small budgets (and even large ones) to get results on Google without hiring an SEO expert or spending thousands on paid advertising campaigns. It's also an excellent way for non-profits and charities that want people to donate their time instead of money—and it gives them the opportunity to develop relationships with potential volunteers who may later become donors down the road!

1. Write better sales emails

You might think that writing a sales email isn't your area. But that's not true.

Writing better emails can help you get more customers and make more money—and it's not difficult to do! To start, here are four things every sales email needs:

  • A solid subject line. Not every person who sees your email will open it, so if you don't catch their attention with the subject line, they won't read anything else in your message. The best way to write a great subject line is by asking a question that relates to something readers care about. For example: "Do you want to make more money?" (Yes.) Or "Is there anything holding you back from being successful?" (No.) You could also try using numbers in the headline of an email: "How would having $10k extra per month change YOUR life?"

  • A clear call-to-action at the end of each message. Your goal as a copywriter should be to get people thinking about how much better things will be when they buy what you're selling—but without telling them exactly what they need to do next before making their purchase decision! That way, when someone reads through all the information about why their life would be better with [product], instead of just skimming over it because there aren't any actionable steps mentioned anywhere within site content pages."

2. Create better offers

  • Create better offers

Offers are one of the most important elements in copywriting, and they can be used to add value to your product or service. There are many different types of offers you can use, but here are some ideas:

  • Offer a free trial with no credit card required.*

This will help you get people on board and introduce them to your product or service while they're still in the research phase. You'll also be able to learn what their needs are without any risk whatsoever—and it gives you an opportunity to collect leads by asking for their contact information as well! The next step is up to you; maybe it's just starting out small and seeing how many people sign up for the free trial, then increasing that number over time? Or maybe after enough free trials have been taken advantage of (and hopefully converted into paying customers), it might be time for an upgrade? Either way, try not focusing too much energy on this step; this is simply getting started with marketing efforts so don't worry about doing everything perfectly right away!

3. Create a better sales funnel (using emails and landing pages)

You don’t need to be a copywriter to know that your sales funnel is one of the most important parts of your business. It’s a cornerstone, so it’s worth investing time into making sure you have the right one.

What is a sales funnel? A sales funnel is any process you use to get people from point A to point B. For example: You might have an email list that sends out promotional material and then encourages people who aren't interested in buying right now (or ever) not to open any more emails from them again. Or maybe you have a landing page for when people visit for the first time, where they can sign up for a newsletter and get some free content in exchange for their name and email address (which will then be added into that same mailing list).

Why do I need a sales funnel? If you want more leads—and therefore more customers—then yes! People tend not only ignore emails from an unknown source but also unsubscribe from their lists as soon as possible if they don't find themselves in their inboxes anymore (or at least rarely). So it's very important when planning out how many emails or messages should go out per week/month/year that there's enough variety there without overwhelming recipients with too much info at once (which could lead them being overwhelmed by all those messages).

4. Create a better sales process

Before you can even think about creating a sales process, you need to know your goals. And these aren't general life goals—they're specific objectives for your business.

So, what are some realistic and meaningful metrics for your business? How do you know if you're succeeding or not? If a client walks away from their first meeting with us exclaiming how much they love our project, that's great news! But it's not the only way we measure success. We also look at how many new leads we get through email marketing campaigns, how many of those leads turn into paying customers and how much revenue those customers generate per month so that we can continue investing in our future growth.

These types of measurements will help determine where improvements need to happen so that you can find ways to improve customer experience or increase sales conversion rates over time (and cut down on wasted money spent on ineffective marketing tactics).

5. Sell more products with email marketing

Email marketing is a great way to sell products. You can sell products in your newsletter, auto responder and list building. You can also sell products in list management.

6. Get more clients with email marketing

Email marketing is a great way to get clients and keep in touch with existing ones. It’s a great way to build relationships with your clients, so they feel comfortable enough to buy from you again. Email marketing can also be used as a powerful tool for promoting your products or services. You can use it as an effective lead generation method, with emails containing offers that will lead them through the sales process. You can also use it for direct mail campaigns by creating personalized emails that are automatically delivered into people’s inboxes based on certain criteria (i.e., location).

As long as there are internet connections, people have access to their inboxes—and this makes email marketing one of the most effective ways of reaching out to customers online today!

7. Create amazing content that sells for you online or offline

You can use copywriting to create content for your website, blog or social media. You can also use it to create content for your sales funnel. Finally, you can even use it to write the sales emails that come after someone has made a purchase from your site or in person (or if they just give you their email address).

Here are some examples of different types of copywriting:

  • Long-form sales page: Your goal is to convince people to buy something from you. This is an effective way of doing that because it gives them all the information they need and lets them know why this product or service will help them solve their problems or reach their goals (also known as a “unique selling proposition”).

  • Social media posts: These might not be long enough for someone who wants more detail about what they're purchasing but short enough for someone who just wants a quick answer so they can move on with life! They should also include links back up through the funnel so people don't forget where they came from on those pages either - just make sure those links go directly back up where intended otherwise none of these methods will work properly!

Copywriting gives you new skills to grow your business in different ways

Copywriting is a great way to grow your business and make more money. It's also a skill that you can use in many different ways.

  • You can use copywriting to increase sales by creating better offers and sales funnels.

  • You can use copywriting to create a better brand image for yourself or your company, which will help bring in more leads.

  • You can also use copywriting as an SEO tool, which will help drive more traffic to your website and increase the conversion rate at the same time!


So, what do you think? Are you ready to get started with copywriting?

It’s a lot of fun. And it can help you grow your business in lots of different ways.

You might use email marketing to sell more of your products or services. Or write better sales pages that convert better. Or create amazing content that helps you build credibility and generate new leads.

Whatever way you use copywriting, it can help your business grow and make more money!

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How I Got Here

I’ve been crafting stories for as long as I can remember, but in 2000 I decided to take the plunge and dedicate myself fulltime to the writing profession. Since then, I’ve been very fortunate to have had my work featured in a variety of publications.

I look at the world through a writer’s lens. I see stories in everyday life just waiting to be told and do my best to be the medium through which they reach the page. To find out more about my work, browse my newly updated Copywriting Portfolio and get in touch if you have any questions or would like to discuss working together.

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